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We are pleased to announce that the Butterfly Grand Prix official retailers, Tees Sport, are once again sponsoring the Tees Sport "Player of the Tournament Award" at all the main Grand Prix events this season.

The award takes the form of a framed certificate with £50 in Tees Sport vouchers and can be won by any player in any event. At each tournament a small panel will decide the recipient and will use criteria that will include single outstanding wins, consistently improved performance and good sportsmanship.

The Grand Prix Committee is grateful to Tees Sport for the continuation of this award


Tees-Sport Player of the weekend (and a voucher for £50)

Junior player, Ashley Robinson from .Ireland



Award Winners: 2007 - 08

Mid Sussex               Bill Bayley (Kent)

Liverpool                  Kevin Dolder (Lancashire)

Leeds                        Remigiyus Petrosiius (Kent)

Newcastle                 Melissa Wright (S.Yorkshire)

Bristol                       Chris Doran (Northamptonshire)

Medway                    Daniel Basterfield (Middlesex)

Doncaster                  Ben Barlow (S.Yorkshire)

Blackpool                  Sam Walker (Worksop)

London                      Myles Collins (Avon)

Wolverhampton          Chloe Thomas

(Wales) Hereford       Martin Gunn (Avon)

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